Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year
to all for 2022

May this new year bring you all the professional success and personal happiness you deserve.

2021 was, once again, a complicated year on a daily basis in all sectors of society.

Let's hope that we will find more vision in this new year and that humanity will be able to make the present constraints a strength for the future.

For Mediacom87 no big revolution, but evolutions, like focusing even more on the quality of the code of my modules and the needs of my users.

An effort will be made on all my customers under maintenance contract, service launched last year which meets a real success that is for the maintenance contracts dedicated to PrestaShop or the maintenance contracts for Wordpress or other CMS.

My custom development services interest more and more companies, but in the mind of some it is still difficult to understand the real cost of developing a specific module, so I have to work on finding solutions to satisfy the needs of my customers as much as possible.

In 2022 as always, regardless of your revenue, Mediacom87 will offer you the same service.

We look forward to working together in the new year.
