PrestaShop is THE French solution that has dominated the e-commerce CMS market for years. It will satisfy all ecommerce players. But like all CMS platforms, it requires a certain amount of knowledge and expertise to understand and implement it properly.

PrestaShop (90)

Security guide for shared and multisite hosting

How do you ensure the security and organization of multisite hosting?

Learn how to customize your PrestaShop discounts

How to apply a different discount to multiple copies of a product on PrestaShop

Security and forms, a world to be controlled

The importance of security for contact and registration forms

Optimize your PrestaShop store with Store Commander : The key to simplified e-commerce management

Think before you restore: Handling PrestaShop errors wisely

No, restoration is not a strategy for debugging PrestaShop

Choose the right CMP for your PrestaShop cookie policy

Adopt the right CMP to manage your cookie policy

Why you shouldn't remove IDs from PrestaShop URLs

The "scam" of modules to remove IDs from PrestaShop URLs

PayPlug versus Stripe

5 good reasons to choose Payplug over Stripe on PrestaShop

Share the right image on Facebook

Master PrestaShop images shared on Facebook [1.2.0]

How to add canonical information on PrestaShop 1.6

Simply add canonical links to PrestaShop 1.6

Is Payplug better than PrestaShop Checkout?

5 good reasons to choose Payplug over PrestaShop Checkout

Security, the key word in the world of online commerce

Proactive or corrective PrestaShop security?

How to use the Op'art statistics module to get relevant KPIs on PrestaShop

How to get useful KPIs on Prestashop

SEO / How to write a perfect product sheets on PrestaShop or Thirty Bees?

How to write a perfect product sheets on PrestaShop or Thirty Bees

Mobile, tablet or computer, offer the right display to your customers with Smarty on PrestaShop

How to detect the device in Smarty for PrestaShop 1.7 in a TPL?

Happy New Year 2023

2023 security and happiness for all

PrestaShop and thirty bees database cleaning module update for Prestashop 8.0

Update the cleaning module of your PrestaShop or thirty bees store [1.3.0]

Simplified management of your database on PrestaShop or thirty bees

Free database management module for PrestaShop and thirty bees

Tutorial How to add an image to your payment methods on PrestaShop 1.7 or 8

How to add an image to your payment methods on PrestaShop 1.7 or 8

Update of the free JivoChat module for PrestaShop and thirty bees

Update of the free JivoChat integration module for PrestaShop and thirty bees

Secure your contact or registration forms on PrestaShop and thirty bees

Update of the captcha module to make it compatible with PrestaShop 8.0 [2.1.0]

PrestaShop and thirty bees database cleaning module update for Prestashop 8.0

PrestaShop database cleaning module update for Prestashop 8.0 [1.2.0]

Added to PrestaShop or thirty bees a dynamic contact form for your customers

Update of the contact form module on your product sheets compatible with Prestashop 8.0 [3.3.0] 

Validate manually all your new customer registrations on PrestaShop and thirtybees

[B2B] Module for manual validation of customer registrations

Update of PrestaShop / thirtybees module, allowing to associate one language per store

Module update, one language per store version [3.1.0]

Module PrestaShop or thirtyy bees to simplify your European VAT returns every quarter

Module to simplify your European VAT returns every quarter

[2.6.23] Google shopping export module for PrestaShop and thirty bees

Tips to avoid having your PrestaShop / thirty bees store hacked

How to prevent hacking on PrestaShop and thirty bees

Discover the best possible configuration of the Performance section to improve the speed of your PrestaShop site

How to configure the Performance page of PrestaShop 1.7

Managing your VAT return in the context of Brexit on PrestaShop

[3.0.0] Add English VAT export for my Brexit module

Force the PHP version you want into a directory at o2switch

How to customize the PHP version per directory at o2switch

Added to PrestaShop or thirty bees a dynamic contact form for your customers

[3.2.1] Update the dynamic contact form on your product sheets

[2.1.0] Complete redesign of Clicky Analytics integration module on PrestaShop and thirtybees

Update of the google Shopping module for PrestaShop and thirtybees

[2.6.16] Module Google Shopping for PrestaShop et thirtybees

Control access by country on PrestaShop

[4.2.1] Complete redesign of PrestaShop country access management module

Tutorial / Tip: How to display the customer email on PrestaShop PDF?

Display customer email on delivery notes or Prestashop invoices

PrestaShop SEO by products url

SEO and URL of your products on PrestaShop 1.7

PrestaShop module to clean your store from unnecessary data

Cleaning your PrestaShop database is essential

Will forums still be the future of the open-source world?

Why forums will always be the future of open source

Learn how to distinguish a mobile from a computer for the display of your site on PrestaShop

How to detect the display for mobiles in templates on Prestashop

Fix Hooks bug on PrestaShop

Fix a regression introduced by version of Prestashop on the management of hooks

Tutorial to explain how to fix the bug on Prestashop with the Google Chrome browser and its version 99

Fix PrestaShop backoffice connection bug under Google Chrome

Update of 6 modules for PrestaShop and thirtybees

Module upgrade bundle for PrestaShop and Thirtybees

Ultimate solution to cut your html text cleanly on PrestaShop and thirtybees

How to truncate an HTML string cleanly on PrestaShop

Mass update of 4 free modules

Razzia on free modules

CNIL - Google Analytics considered illegal in Europe, but there are alternative solutions

The couple of the year to improve PrestaShop performance

CloudFlare and KeyCDN, the perfect couple for PrestaShop?

Hide languages in Front during the translation of your PrestaShop 1.7 store

how to manage the VAT threshold of 10 000€ on PrestaShop or thirty bees

July 1st 2021, how to manage the VAT threshold of 10 000€ on PrestaShop or thirty bees

Impossible to choose a relay point on mobile with the official Colissimo module of PrestaShop

What is the solution for the mobile relay points bug of the official colissimo module on PrestaShop?

Update of the free module CronTab

Security hole on PrestaShop

Security hole on PrestaShop >= 1.7.5

PrestaShop Addons Business Care for All

Addons Business Care open to former customers

How to automatically associate all categories to a new customer group on PrestaShop 1.7

Looking for lost tables - PrestaShop

Looking for lost tables - PrestaShop

Mediacom87 Reveals you the solution to update the currency exchange rate on your PrestaShop 1.7 installation

The revelation to update your exchange rates on Prestashop 1.7

BREXIT Validation of UK VAT numbers

BREXIT or the validation of VAT numbers for the United Kingdom

Protect your work with this module developed by Mediacom87 for PrestaShop and Thirtybees

[4.0.0] Block the right click and secure your data

Automatically translate your store developed with PrestaShop or thirtybees for free

[2.0.0] Free automatic translation of Prestashop or thirtybees

Mise à jour du module de synchronisation de PrestaShop avec Mailchimp

[2.7.7] PrestaMailchimp module update

How to integrate the reparability index in Prestashop and Thirtybees

Module Cookiebot Mediacom87

[4.0.2] Cookiebot - Monitoring and control of cookies

The Prestashop anecdote of February 25, 2021

Cronjob of PrestaShop, a disappearance that breaks everything, or almost

Module PrestaShop de gestion des taxes suites au Brexit

Tax management module for parcels to the United Kingdom

Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

[TIP] CSV export of order details on PrestaShop and Thirtybees

Snowfall on PrestaShop

Install a free snowfall effect on your PrestaShop

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

How to correct PrestaShop statistics?

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

[FAQ] How to clear the cache manually on PrestaShop 1.7?

The Prestashop forum killed me

I quit my job as moderator of the Prestashop forum

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

[FAQ] How to display the full product title on PrestaShop 1.7 and 1.6

Les statistiques de PrestaShop

Are the PrestaShop statistics right

Photo by Kobu Agency on Unsplash

PrestaShop PHPUnit vulnerability on modules

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash

How to use Facebook on PrestaShop

Photo by Megan Markham on Unsplash

Untimely disconnection of PrestaShop backoffice

Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

PrestaShop 1.7 update not possible

Photo by CMDR Shane on Unsplash

Don't send password by email on PrestaShop

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

[Prestashop] Unable to delete logs

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

View images after migration

A new PretaShop forum moderator is in place

I become a PrestaShop moderator

General account creation attack in progress

Product registration not possible

Data loss, it's all your fault!

Should I use a CDN?

Abandoned shopping cart recall

Importing product images on PrestaShop

Community meeting at Prestashop

New VAT rule on PrestaShop or thirty bees

New VAT rule as of January 1, 2015 in the European Union

Regenerate product thumbnails in Prestashop

Protect your data by automatically backing up your site

Nouveau design pour PrestaShop

Prestashop launches its new website