No, restoration is not a strategy for debugging PrestaShop

Think before you restore: Handling PrestaShop errors wisely

PrestaShop is a wonderful tool that enables so many online businesses to flourish and sell their products around the world. However, like any complex system, it can sometimes be prone to bugs or errors. And here, you might think: "Well, what if I simply restored my site to an earlier version to correct the problem?" Well, let me explain why this idea is the worst possible solution.

A little understanding, please

It's essential to understand the nature of the error. On PrestaShop, problems can arise for a multitude of reasons: a faulty module, a poorly coded theme, an update that goes wrong, or even a simple change in the back office that has unexpected consequences. Restoring your site to an earlier version might seem like a quick fix, but it's a bit like using a hammer to drive a nail through glass: yes, the nail will go in, but at what cost?

Restoration: a last resort

Restoring a PrestaShop site to a previous version means erasing all modifications, updates and improvements made since the backup was created. This includes customer orders, registrations, messages and much more. Imagine losing weeks of hard work, valuable orders, or irreplaceable customer data, all to correct an error that, perhaps, only required a few lines of code to be modified or a module to be deactivated.

The risk of not getting to the root of the problem

By opting for restoration, you run the risk of not understanding the true origin of the problem. Without this understanding, there's no guarantee that the error won't recur. Worse still, you could miss a security flaw that was the root cause of the problem in the first place. Learning from your mistakes is crucial, and that includes PrestaShop errors.

Alternatives to PrestaShop restoration

Fortunately, there are alternatives for correcting errors on PrestaShop without having to restore everything:

  1. Thorough investigation: Take the time to examine error logs, PrestaShop community forums and official documentation. Often, someone else has already encountered (and solved) your problem.

  2. Technical support: If you're really stuck, why not ask experienced developers on the platform for help? They can offer solutions without having to restore the site.

  3. Test environment: Before making major changes to your live site, test them on a clone of your site. This will enable you to identify and correct errors without risking disruption to your live site.

  4. Regular backups: Of course, maintaining regular backups is crucial, but use them wisely. They're there for major disasters, not minor fixes.

My observation

Restoring your PrestaShop site to correct an error may sound tempting, but it's often a short-term solution that can cause more problems than it solves. By taking the time to understand and correctly correct the error, you'll save yourself a lot of hassle and ensure the longevity and security of your site. And don't forget, the PrestaShop community is always there to help!

Why do you think I have customers on maintenance contracts for just this kind of case? They've made a manipulation that has caused PrestaShop's famous white page, and in 90% of cases, my rapid intervention puts the site back into production and prevents the problem from recurring.
